Highland County Moving Permit

Highland County Engineer's Office
138 Bowers Ave
Hillsboro, OH 45133

Permission requested by:

Truck or Tractor Information

All Dimensions in Feet and Inches

Drag and drop files here or Browse
Max size is 10 Mb

All weights (axle & gross) must be LEGAL in accordance with section 5577.04  of  the Ohio Revised Code.

Limitations listed on back of Application Form OS-1 apply. Special provisions as checked or listed by the Highland County Engineer's may apply. Move only during daylight hours. Movement is prohibited Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday.

Permittee is responsible to check the route for abnormal or changed or unknown conditions which may exist during any move. Permission to travel county or township roads or the Ohio Turnpike must be obtained from the proper authorities.

The applicant or his/their legally authorized representative and that the statements made in the foregoing application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Please type your full name in the sworn applicant field.

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